Some men favor eyes or prefer sound minds, but this chap seems to enjoy forearms less than 29 inches. There's a history here, whether it's worth uncovering is up to you.
Some known, most lost to time; these characters must have been notorious enough at some point to warrant material value. A curious relic. (One wonders what conversations get brought up when wearing a "press" badge, bloody or not)
This is the most writhing and angst driven drawings of Will Eisner's I have ever seen. Usually it's goofy and silly (a mood that carries over to the Spirit movie by Miller) but here they definitely seem to have given up on life. It's not upsetting, just striking as unusual in Eisner's universe.
Maybe it's odd to start at the ending, but this strip--Caniff's last for the Terry-- is still one of most evocative and well done pieces ever, even if you didn't follow the history that closely. Hopefully more posts on him will fill that gap. In the meantime, enjoy.