Saturday, March 15, 2008

Stan Lee and Jim Steranko, Together? Who knew!

One of the joys of making this blog is meeting new people and their interests, which sometimes are different, but often the same but within a different focus. Joe Ackerman, who left a nice comment in the Gerber-Lilith post, has a blog of his own, which predominately celebrates comic book art. One such story that caught my eye features two celebrated creators who I never knew collaborated (three guess who, and the first two don't count).

Even stranger, the point of collaboration is a romance tale, one genre nether is associated with. This is certainly different than the funny animal, humor, or horror stories I have posted on before, but I have no shame in this story. The female lead is not cloying, rather constructed like a real woman, something out of an Allen film, or Alice from the Honeymooners. And besides, isn't variety the spice of life? Now onto the real question: Who did the marvellous color?


the mighty joe said...

cheers for the nod there, fella. that's the cover? i've never seen it before. john romita's romance covers are some of the best comic art ever. that's ever. almost as cool as nick cardy's romance covers. ah, i love 'sixties romance comics. whatever happened to romance comics? probably the same thing that happened to good western comics and funny animal books, i guess. kids today, 'eh? they really don't know what they're missing out on. if it don't got a big muscley lantern-jawed bloke in tights beating the snot out of another big muscley lantern-jawed bloke in tights, and a chick with impossible breasts & a big gun, it just don't get a shoe-in, anymore. or maybe i'm just old.

Eric Noble said...

Great story. The girl was a bit too naive for my tastes, but I'm a sucker for happy endings. The artwork was FANTASTIC! Now I know I really need to learn to draw if I'm ever going to be as good as Steranko.

By the way Joe, you're righ. We need more variety in our comics today.

Rojo said...

Weirdo: I'll agree that she is pretty star stuck and not perfect, but after all the superhuman women who frequent modern comics and --especially-- animation, it's nice for a female character to be vulnerable and feel emotion. That's what I meant when I said a better constructed character, like those of Allen's films. It's just feels very genuine; even if you feel angry anyone can be so somewhat lost.

Joe: Again, I agree, the dearth of variety in comics is pretty frustrating. I'll try to post more variety. But there is a site with plenty of funny animals (or just plain funny) comics: the asifa archive. Enjoy what weirdo and I already love: